The trophy was a common drinking vessel. It circulated among the guests as it was sent from hand to hand. The fact that everyone drank from the same drinking vessel was an old custom. The Norwegian silver jugs from the Renaissance and Baroque were often equipped with internal marks, piles, which indicated how much each individual could drink. In Norway, the custom of toasting in trophies lasted longer than in other countries. The engraving says that trophies were ordered for anniversaries such as weddings and baptisms. Most preserved trophies are welcome trophies. They were most often used to welcome a farm in the country that was used as a country house, while the owner lived in the city.
The custom of letting the bowls be accompanied by timpani and cannon salutes had the Norwegian bourgeoisie from the Danish court and the princely courts in Germany. Trophies were used in the higher bourgeoisie in Norway from the beginning of the 18th century until around 1800. At Nøstetangen glassworks of the most important products until around 1770. At Hurdal glassworks, trophies were also made, but not to the same extent.
A poem from 1769 tells that toasting with trophies was accompanied by speeches and that black speeches were expected - often in verse.
For those here done a strong Oration
And who does not answer can be held for Cujon
Here we start with Skaaler and with Skaaler
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Upper Hoen trophy
The owner of Øvre Hoen in 1759 was merchant and church inspector Jens Hofgaard at Bragernes in Drammen.
In 1751 he bought Øvre Hoen with three saws and a mill house, and in 1753 he was married to Kirsten Stranger.
Jens Hofgaard was a very wealthy man who ran a shipping company and a lumber business.
It was probably the saws on the farm that made him buy Øvre Hoen. However, he may also have found the farm suitable as a summer residence and a place for sociability.
The farm, which is reproduced on the trophy, is located in a steeply sloping terrain. The yard consists of a two-storey paneled timber building and six smaller log houses, two of them with chimneys. The log houses are very cramped, and you do not get a clear impression of how they are located in relation to the main building. The direction of the roofs still suggests that together with the farmhouse they form a rectangle with houses on three edges.
Outside the yard to the left is a small gazebo on a steep hill. In the foreground, a bridge leads over a river. Next to the bridge there are three small log houses. Below the yard, but right next to one of the outbuildings, there is clearly a fenced field, densely overgrown with vines that are supported by piles. It must be a hop farm, something most farms on Eiker had at the time.
Just to the left of the farm is the sawmill, nicely located in a steeply sloping terrain and with spruce forest in the background. The sawmill consists of a total of eight houses, four of them have chimneys and the top has a large wheel or roller on the roof.
In two of the houses you can see the water wheel that drives the rising saws. Between all the houses are large plank planks and down to the river in the foreground run two gutters of timber. Behind the water gutters there is another gutter, edged by longitudinal logs, but it is without water. In the gutter there are two large wheels, one up between the houses, the other below. Two lengths of logs are attached to the lower wheel. One can also say a glimpse of a strong rope attached to the wheels.
See also situation map of the Hoen farms from 1781.

Nøstetangen Kronpokal (ca 1765) -Schweigaard Pokalen
Engraved by HG Kôhler for Iver Tyrholm (1744-1780) Christiania
The trophy belongs to the "fifth trophy shape" and is the "Richest and most beautiful of all". See Ada Polak "Gammelt norsk glass" (1953) p. 84-85, (46, pl.28) Iver Tyrholm, born in Modum and died in Christiania, was the son of businessman and mill owner Peder Nielsen Tyrholm (1712-1762), Eker and Marie Rieber (1714-?) Iver Tyrholm married Maren Schavenius (1747-1836) He became a wealthy businessman and farm owner in Christiania. The lure trophy was in 1899 owned by Dr. J Scweigaard and then shown at an exhibition in Christiania Glas Magasin.

The trophy is of the English Cron Pocal type, with a crown lid, richly profiled stand and leaves on the lid, bell and foot plate.
Owner initials: IA or JA engraved in Rococo cartridge surrounded by Neptune with wooden fork and Mercury with rod. The figures symbolize shipping and trade. On the other side sea landscape with two tomasters for full sails and a small house with timber stacks.
Inscription: God Preserve the Sailors
No. engraved by Heinrich Gottlieb Köhler.
Splendid trophy with lid
Richly engraved clock. Here we see several sailing ships, the god of trade, Mercury and the sea god Neptune
This is a magnificent trophy that must be ordered by an enterprising trader with the ownership initials IA (or JA that is engraved
on the trophy. The text "God save the sailors". Everything put together
in a richly shaped rococo cartridge encircling a sea and a
landscape with houses and timber.
The trophy engravings must be attributed to HG Köhler.
Height 32.5cm
Weyse's catalog from 1763 No. 320

"Sigfides Pocaler"
Two wedding trophies with lids. Model Sigfrieds Pocal
Two identical trophies with lids. Both engraved and decorated with
rococo-crowned cartouches
One of the trophies marked with the letters "ACA" and the other
with "HTS"
Heights 24.5cm

English Cron Cup, no. 326 (2 pcs)
Pictured in Arnstein Berntsen «A collection of Norwegian glasses»