Our supporters - Thank you so much for all your support!

Thanks to Sparebanken Øst, which gave the Foundation a fantastic gift allocation, we have been able to carry out large and required building measures at Nøstetangen - Without this support, this would not have been possible.
The foundation thanks the bank for standing up and supporting the work the foundation is doing in carrying on the legacy of Nøstetangen Glasværk.
New fire protection system and extinguishing system at Nøstetangen
At the same time as major building works were carried out, the Foundation, thanks to supporters, also carried out extensive work with a new Inergen extinguishing system and upgrades to fire and emergency lighting systems.
The foundation has carried out this thanks to the UNI Foundation, the Bergesen Foundation, Øvre Eiker Municipality and the Sparebank Foundation DNB.


We thank our local E-werk Øvre Eiker Energi for all the assistance and financing of the lighting at "The Blue Cathedral". Upper Eiker Fiber has
also contributed with fiber and Internet up to the Nøstetangensenteret.
Thank you very much for supporting us!